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Known Issues - Banner 9 Forms

Student Forms

Custom UNM Forms

Revised: 10/15/2018

The following forms will eventually be deactivated once functionality has been recreated outside of Banner 8.

Form Name

Form Functionality

Banner 8 Deactivate Date

Where Will Functionality Exist?


Course EntryDeactivated on 10/26/2018
SZAAMSS - Use LoboWeb
SZAAMSS - Use UAchieve Client
SZAEVALTransfer Articulation ResultsDeactivated on 10/26/2018Please use the UAchieve Client. It contains functionality found within the SZAEVAL form. 
SZADAROAudit ViewDeactivated on 10/26/2018Please use the UAchieve Client. It contains functionality found within the SZADARO form. 
SZADARQUAchieve - Create Student in UAchieveTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application. 


UAchieve - Crosswalk For MajorsTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.


UAchieve - Crosswalk For MinorsTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.


Dual Credit FormTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.

SZBDUALDual Credit FormTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.


Dual Credit FormTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.


Degree Status FormTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.


Course Schedule FormTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.

SZASEC2Course Schedule FormTBD


Continue to use the Banner 8 version of this form until further notice. IT Applications is recreating functionality in a separate web application.

SZVXCRPLegacy Information FormDeactivated on 10/26/2018


Functionality will be recreated in MyReports.

Vendor Delivered Forms

Revised: 11/6/2018

The following is a list of the vendor delivered Banner 9 forms that have issues.

Form Name

Form Functionality

Reported Issue




SAAADMSAdmissions App Form


We use the copy button when completing semester changes and this is not working properly during tests.

Steps to semester change:

In SAAADMS- from the most recent term, select insert, then enter the new term code in the entry term field. Select copyand this should copy the most recent term data into the remaining SAAADMS fields.  when testers select copy, it copies two terms back and not the most recent term.

Form Version: 9.3.11


The defect has already been reported to Ellucian in CR-000160221 and there is no patch or update yet. 


Until Ellucian provides a fix we will make the Banner 8 version of SAAADMS available.

SAAADMSAdmissions App FormClicking on the "Fees, Mail, Submissions, Withdrawal Data" tab routes users back to the "Application" tab within the SAAADMS form. This issue has been described as inconsistent.


IT Applications is trying to replicate issue so we can raise a case with the vendor.


No further reported incidents of this issue.



No further incidents of this issue have been reported.

SGASTDNStudent term record.Changing Student Type from "A" to "T" is not allowed when registration already exists. Banner 8 form tells user that there is an error, but the Banner 9 form does not show error. Instead the Banner 9 message says "Saved Successfully" (even though it does not).


Raised case 01894052 with vendor.


The vendor responded by stating:

We were able to test this and it appears the way the triggers work on the changing the Student Type, when you change it, it does temporarily update it in the tables before it reverts back after the error. This is why you get the message Saved successfully (1 rows saved). In Banner 8, once you get the message "ERROR* Registration exists, must generate new term by DUPLICATE RECORD." if you look, once you click OK, you will see at the bottom of the form Transaction Complete: 1 records applied and saved. It's the same thing, the messaging is just more visible in Banner 9.



Form is working as designed.

SAAETBLElectronic App Submitted Form

When accessing the "Previous College Summary" option an error message stating "Invalid value. Value length must be less or equal to 30" is displayed IF the college is greater than 30 characters. This error message is displayed and will not go away even if you try to close the form.

Form Version: SAAETBL 9.3.6


Working with vendor to resolve issue. Opened Case 01905064. Other universities have also reported this issue. There appears to be Change Release, CR-000156162, that should fix this in the near future. 


Change Request found here.



Banner 8 forms will continue to be accessible until vendor fixes this issue.

SHACOMICommittee/Service Form

There's no way to sort by UNM ID or name in the results for the Committee/Service members. Also the filter for searching by ID (Member) is broken. It's very difficult to find the record you want to update.

Form Version: 9.3.12


Raised case 01946435 with vendor.


Banner 8 forms will continue to be accessible until vendor fixes this issue.

SHATERMGrade Display FormCumulative Information not displaying in the "Term GPA and Course Detail Information" tab.


This issue is being addressed by the vendor in CRN-000153496.


An upgrade was applied on 8/4 that provided the fix to this issue in version 9.3.8.



SAAEAPSAdmissions Form


Users on Windows 7 machines are seeing intermittent issues when accessing SAAEAPS. The user cannot click on a name in the SAAEAPS screen when it is showing a list of all applications that came in on that day. Users can only search by individual application, and they need to look at every application that comes in on a given day.


Raised case 01945909 with vendor.



The vendor responded:

"I am not able to verify what results on a Windows 7 workstation, because I do not have access to one in order to verify this issue. However, in my opinion, I believe unpredictable results and the lose of functionality will occur, if the user is not using at least a Window 8 workstation. "



Admissions has resolved the issue by using Windows 10 machines.

SSASECTClass Section Form

Needed for business processing until end of 2018.

Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.

Will deactivate in 2019.

SSAMATXClass Section FormNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.

Will deactivate in 2019.

SSADETLClass Section FormNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.

Will deactivate in 2019.

SSARRESClass Section FormNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.

Will deactivate in 2019.

SSATEXTClass Section FormNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.Will deactivate in 2019.Will deactivate in 2019.
SSAXLSTClass Section FormNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.

Will deactivate in 2019.



Getting "Error" Invalid Function when attempting to use form.


Carolyn Gutierrez reported issue.

SSASECQSection QueryNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.Will deactivate in 2019.
SSAXMTICrosslist QueryNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.Will deactivate in 2019.
SLQMEETAvailable Classrooms QueryNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.Will deactivate in 2019.
SIAASGQFaculty QueryNeeded for business processing until end of 2018.Catalog and Scheduling needs Banner 8 functionality until end of year.Will deactivate in 2019.
SOAIDENPerson SearchNeeded for GZAAFIL functionality.


Reported by Kevin Stephenson.

Can be moved to Banner 9 only after GZAAFIL functionality has been recreated.
SHADGMQDegree SummaryNeeded for SZADEGR functionality (which uses degree sequence).


Reported by Robben.

SOAHOLDHoldsNeeded for releasing/creating holds.


Reported by Daniel.

Functionality will be recreated in a separate application in 2019. Until that time this form will continue to be available in Banner 8.


Requested by Kevin



Requested by Kevin

SFAREGSRegistration FormDropping mulitple students in Banner 9 version of SFAREGS is not working.


Issue reported by Tanaya


Stirling raised the following with Ellucian: LINK

Need to hear back from Ellucian.

General Forms

Custom UNM Forms

Revised: 10/15/2018

The following forms will eventually be deactivated once the functionality has been recreated outside of Banner 8. 

Form Name

Form Functionality

Banner 8 Deactivation Date

Where Will Functionality Exist?

GZAIDENAlternate ID Cross-Reference form


Please use the Banner 8 GZAOIDQ form as it contains the same functionality found in GZAIDEN.

GZAOIDQPerson IDs Query form cannot be found in the Banner 9 forms.TBD

Please continue to use the Banner 8 version of GZAOIDQ until the functionality found within this form has been recreated elsewhere. 

GZAAFILOther Affiliations formTBD

Please continue to use the Banner 8 version of GZAAFIL until the functionality found within this form has been recreated elsewhere. 

Vendor Delivered Forms

Revised: 10/26/2018

The following is a list of the vendor delivered Banner 9 forms that have issues.

Form Name

Form Functionality

Reported Issue




GSASECRBanner Authorizations Form


Logging into the Banner 9 version of BANSECR requires a NetID. We do not want to create NetIDs for our BANSECR accounts.


Ellucian is creating a separate application that does not require CAS authentication to manage Banner Security.

Ellucian stated that Phase 1 of this application will be available in August 2019.


Please continue to use the Banner 8 version of GSASECR until vendor creates separate application to replace functionality.

GUAERRMBanner Error and Warning Messages


Needed for Banner 8 NBAJOBS functionality.


Reported by Kevin Stephenson and Emily.

Once we stop using Banner 8 NBAJOBS we can stop using GUAERRM.
GXADIRDDirect Deposit


Finance needs access to this form until they are live on Banner 9.


Reported by FSM



Needed for GXADIRD


Reported by FSM

GOAMTCHPerson Matching


Finance needs access to this form until they are live on Banner 9.


Reported by FSM

GJAPCTLJob SubmissionEveryone may need access to this form until we are totally off of Banner 9.
GUQINTFJob SubmissionNeeded for job sumbissionEveryone may need access to this form until we are totally off of Banner 9.
GJREVOJob Submission ReviewNeeded to review jobsub outputEveryone may need access to this form until we are totally off of Banner 9.
GOAEMALEmail address form


Finance needs access to this form until they are live on Banner 9.


Reported by FSM

GUAMESGGeneral Message Form


Requested by FSM

Financial Aid Forms

Vendor Delivered Forms

Revised: 10/15/2018

The following is a list of the vendor delivered Banner 9 forms that have issues.

Form Name

Form Functionality

Reported Issue




RHACOMMFin Aid Comments

User ID (person who created record) is sometimes not being displayed.


This issue should be fixed in Fin Aid 9.3.10 per CRN-00158498.


Fin Aid upgrade with fix was applied.

